
本平台預計在六年的時間內募集總計5億美金的資金 (相當於50萬名VIP會員加入贊助升級的金額),當此募資目標順利達成後,本平台預計於七年後在美國證券市場申請上市。值得說明的是,一般的群眾募資專案的發起,通常都只有一個簡單的點子與構想而已。而本平台在第一階段營運計劃完成後,已是一個營運頗具規模的網站。
● 「積分」之作用為:兌換本平台所提供之各項廣告主之贊助商品及服務。
● 「貢獻值」之作用如下:
■ 兌換M幣; 
■ 認購本平台、旗下企業或策略聯盟公司之特別股。M幣可以兌換積分但不得用以認購特別股。
■ 兌換本平台所提供之各項廣告主之贊助商品及服務。
2. 開放M幣交換平台:
3. 點數交換平台:
4. 完成120個創投網站的建置:
5. 計算並轉換會員貢獻值給目前參與第一階段之共同發起及創辦人。
6. 會員後台程式功能優化:本事業之會員後台程式將再進一步進行優化,讓會員在使用各項功能時更為便利。
7. 新增個人銷售頁面(即引進「聯盟行銷」的概念,本事業的每一位會員都可以成為本事業的「銷售經理」),讓會員因行銷本事業廣告主或其他異業結盟企業的商品或服務,亦可獲得業務回饋,增加會員之收入來源。藉此,本事業盼成為華人世界最大之聯盟行銷平台。
8. 擴大異業結盟的範圍:藉由擴大異業結盟範圍,亦可增加本事業旗下網站之廣告數量,並且引進更多異業結盟企業的商品或服務,如此一來,會員們可以挑選自己擅長的領域進行聯盟行銷,大幅增加業務收入。9.與實體通路合作:本事業將與實體通路合作,讓會員兌換商品或服務更為方便與多元。
10. 積極開發及擴展中國大陸市場:中國大陸市場之發展為本事業2015年的重要目標之一,今年起會員們將可以面向13億人的市場,借力使力,發展出屬於您的龐大團隊。11. 進一步加強伺服器的軟、硬體設備:包含硬體的規格、數量、頻寬等等,本年度都將再進一步的提升。
12. 開發手機版APP:手持裝置之APP為目前最重要的趨勢,本事業亦將開發手持裝置之APP,以方便會員們隨時隨地均能進行每日任務、後台管理及使用各項新增功能。
全球營運中心總裁 安東尼.陳
Other than the captioned mid-term business proposal, we are also delighted to introduce you our short-term business proposal in 2015 as follows:
1.Differences in rewarding methods between free members and VIP members : In thefuture, awards gained during ad views or assisting in activities participations by free members will still be “points”, while the award given to VIP members will be changed to “contribution value”, the rationale is as follows;
● The function of “points” is to redeem sponsored gifts and services provided by our clients;
● The function of “contribution value” is as follows;
■ Redemption of “M Coin”
■ Purchase of special company share of this platform, the affiliated enterprises of our company or allied company. “M Coin” may be used to redeem “points” but could not be used for purchasing of special company share.
Redemption of sponsored gifts and services provided by our clients
2.Granting of open-access of “M-coin” exchange platform :The platform will provide further safety in exchangeof “M-coins” between members from different areas. More than that, the more number of exchanges you do, the more special “contribution value” you will gain!
3.Exchange platform of “points”
You may redeem your favourite goods and services provided by our clients, or purchasespecial company shares through this platform.
4.Completion of 120 beginners’ websites
This platform will complete design and construction of 120 beginners’ websites, and will invite advertising at the second half of the year.
5.Contribution values will be calculated and granted to shared founders who join this scheme in the first stage.
6.Refinement of members’ platform: Further refinement and revision will be conducted for our members’ platform so a more convenient and user-friendly function will be provided
7.Establishment of “individual selling page” (i.e., this is the concept of “allied sales” which means that each and every member of this platform will become “sales manager” of this business), this will allow members gaining credits while selling for products provided by clients or other allied businesses of this platform, so members will be able to earn more. It is hoped that this platform shall become the largest allied online selling platform between Chinese on Earth.
8.Expansion of allied business to other industries: Through expansion of allied business to other industries and their goods/services, members will be able to select their expertise areas of businesses to conduct their sales and promotion so personal income will be increased
9.Cooperation with different physical channels: Our platform will cooperate with different physical channels so to allow members redeeming more variety of goods and services
10.Development of businesses in China: Development of our business in China will be one of our most important aims in 2015. From now on members will be able to promote and sell their products in China of 1.3 billion population. You can also make use of this advantage to expand your own team.
11.Improvement of softwares and hardware of server: Improvement will be made for our hardware, quantity and bandwidth so to increase the effectiveness of our system
12.Development of mobile apps: Mobile app application is the most vital trend in the world nowadays, our platform will also develop special app for mobile devices so members will be able to manage their tasks and businesses every day and everywhere.
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